Dinner Chez Moi

In Paris, the strawberries are the strawberriest, marvels of sweet red architecture, they melt in your mouth. Tonight, after a busy day, dinner is fromager from the local fromagerie, strawberries from the market across the street, jambon, and a cold Sancerre, plus a great book, The Rocks. Salut!


Too Much Love in Paris?

Paris bridges are carrying the burden of lovers

The locks of love in Paris–padlocks stuck on bridges and carved with lovers initials–are hurting Paris’s bridges. A grill at the Ponts Des Arts was overladen and collapsed on Sunday, causing the bridge to be shut down. Although it is a charming idea for lovers, […]

Day trip to Reims

There are two types of people in the world: those who love looking at ancient cathedrals and those who would much rather tour a champagne cave. But I learned, surprisingly, that I like both! Today we took the high speed train from Paris to Reims, one of the two main champagne regions of France, with […]

Things to do on a Paris Rainy Day

We awoke to the rainiest day yet, rain so forceful hard that our umbrellas did little to protect us—it was beautiful. Ken, stubborn husband that he is, didn’t bring an umbrella because he “hates” umbrellas but today he gladly mooches off me. Anna and I name him the umbrella moocher as he tries, to no […]

Soundtrack to Versailles

The sky was gray when we left Paris for Versailles,we sat side by side and Anna handed me one of her headphones so I could share her iPod on the ride. Air in the train car had a delicious Saturday morning feel as the weekend stretched before us.

Mackelmore rapped on Anna’s iPod, the […]