Au Revoir

I don’t know how this could happen but the suitcase that I brought to Paris is no longer big enough for all my things. I didn’t do a lot of shopping but I did buy a few books, a couple pairs of little black flats, some gifts that I will not describe because my friends […]

The Sweetness of Paris

In Paris, the key to good living is very simple: wine, cheese, cafes and pastries. C’est tout. You will also find at least one patisserie on every block. My friend Eliza gave me the book Patisseries that provides a list of the most well known shops and their specialties—many are my immediate neighborhood.

Paris Pain

Miss Manon

Loic is my guide today for a private class and tour of Miss Manon—a very popular patisserie on Rue Saint Antoine. We will learn how to make bread, (or pain) and croissants. I arrive at 8:00 a.m. but the bakers have arrived at 1:00 a.m. and will work until around 1:.00 p.m.. […]

Le Business Meeting

First let me say that my computer has gone haywire. For some strange reason, spell check has switched to French. So when I type, every English word that I type appears underlined like it is misspelled. But the French words are not underlined, in other words, c’est parfait. I may have typos now because only […]

Wine Tasting

One thing that Sarah wants to do while she was in Paris is a wine tasting. I find one that sounds great: Our French sommelier will teach you how to read a French label and how to navigate a wine list. We’ll go through the major French wine regions and the interesting details that make […]

Literary Paris

My friend Sarah arrived for a visit! She is my friend Sandy’s daughter—Sandy and I have been friends since the fifth grade. Sarah is a beautiful poet from Los Angeles who has a smile like Cameron Diaz. I have promised Sandy we will not get into trouble.

Sarah in Paris

Here is something […]

Parlez Vous Francais?

In French class we are allowed to bring in a question and the teacher Sonita will answer/translate for us. Today I asked, “How do you say, may I photograph your dog?” I thought this would be a very handy sentence. But the other students manqué (mocked) me. The teacher was very nice and did not […]

Death of Two Pairs of Little Black Flats

I just couldn’t stand them anymore—the Trashed Tuilleries shoes went into the trash today for many, many reasons. But now, what will take their place?

You may wonder, “what’s the problem! She has plenty of shoes.” Au contraire. Guess what –the German Nanny shoes gave me blisters. No German Nanny Shoes to wear, no Trashed […]

Parisians Take Les Parcs Seriously

In Paris, parks are a serious form of entertainment. You go to a park to do nothing. Lie on the grass. Kiss your chou chou. Watch people walk buy. You don’t see much activity–when you see people jogging, you know they are Americans. When I have looked for a dog to photograph in the Tuileries, […]

City of Love

Note to self: it is very hard to read the tiny print in the Paris Circulation (map of Paris) when one is crying. My estranged husband (and boyfriend) left today and I was not prepared for how I felt about him leaving.

Kiss by the Hotel de Ville, Robert Doisneau

When I originally […]