Day trip to Reims

There are two types of people in the world: those who love looking at ancient cathedrals and those who would much rather tour a champagne cave. But I learned, surprisingly, that I like both! Today we took the high speed train from Paris to Reims, one of the two main champagne regions of France, with […]

The Louvre: The good, bad and ugly

Today Anna and I stopped by Angelina, famous for its choc-chaud (hot chocolate) before venturing to the Louvre. We were dying to see what all the fuss was about—hot chocolate is hot chocolate, right? Unless it’s chocolate cake batter. This drink is so thick that Anna vascillated between sipping it and drinking it with a […]

Hotel or Apartment? Paris vacation apartment laws may scare you

In just four short months I will be flying to Paris to spend June in the City of Lights. This year, I’ll bring my teenage daughter Anna for ten days followed by ten days with my husband Ken. Last summer when I left Paris, I had planned to rent the gorgeous apartment on St. Louis […]

Au Bientot, Paris

Pont Marie

As I prepare to return home, I am packing my clothes which seem to have expanded, no longer fitting into my suitcase. Part of the problem is the Soldes, the sale in Paris that begins on June 26 and continues through August. Stores slash prices from 30-50 percent so it’s a great […]

Where’s Picasso?

Le Pigeon aux Petit Pois

It’s getting harder to see Picasso in Paris by the minute. The Picasso Museum, one of my favorites, is closed for renovations—something I read about in the 2010 Rick Steves’ Paris before leaving for Paris. Plus, I learned that during the renovation work last summer, a red sketchbook with […]

Free Paris

Peonies in Paris

Last summer it cost almost 1.50 to purchase one euro and today it costs 1.20. That means that dollars stretch further today than they did one year ago. Maybe it’s because I’m intoxicated by this city, but so far I’ve noticed how affordable the good life can be: Triple cream cheese, […]

An Island Surrounded by Ice Cream (Tourists take a Licking)

Ile Saint Louis in Paris

We have arrived in Paris! (For those who are new to this blog, in August, 2009, I came on vacation to Paris with my estranged husband and boyfriend. But thanks to Paris, he is no longer estranged. So I will refer to him as my No Longer Estranged […]

Paris News (from Jackson Hole)

The verit Shakespeare and Company

It snowed today in Jackson Hole and as I’m currently stuck inside, I was daydreaming about Paris. Today, the LA Times included a story about Shakespeare and Company—the venerable English language bookstore on Paris’s Left Bank and one of the best bookstores in the world: The English-language bookstore […]

Literary Paris

My friend Sarah arrived for a visit! She is my friend Sandy’s daughter—Sandy and I have been friends since the fifth grade. Sarah is a beautiful poet from Los Angeles who has a smile like Cameron Diaz. I have promised Sandy we will not get into trouble.

Sarah in Paris

Here is something […]

Parlez Vous Francais?

In French class we are allowed to bring in a question and the teacher Sonita will answer/translate for us. Today I asked, “How do you say, may I photograph your dog?” I thought this would be a very handy sentence. But the other students manqué (mocked) me. The teacher was very nice and did not […]